Sacred Astronomy:
The Antithesis of Astrology
Copyright © 2007-2011
By Helena Lehman
Of the Pillar of Enoch Ministry
Web Site:
NOTE: This essay can be freely distributed to skeptics to show them the biblical and historical basis for believing that there is a Gospel in the Stars. It conclusively shows that this heavenly record in the stars has a divine origin, and a purpose that is and always was revealed through the forty-eight ancient constellations of the Zodiac. It is a compilation of copyrighted sections taken from all four books in the Language of God Book Series with some new material added, and it is being presented here as a free supplement that can be shared with friends and family when attempting to educate them about the wonders that God alone wrote into the heavens.
Table of Contents: |
The Mazzaroth’s Divine Origin
Many Christians today are rightly concerned about occultism winding its way into our churches in often-ambiguous ways, such as through various forms of positive thinking, Eastern meditation, Martial Arts, and Yoga. They are also becoming more aware of the many sleepy or apostate Christians who do not read the Bible, and do not know the biblical sanctions against sorcery, witchcraft, channeling, and fortune telling. These Scripturally unschooled believers routinely engage in obvious forms of occultism, such as Tarot Card Readings, Psychic Readings, Astrology, and so-called White Magic.
Though Christians do well to shun any type of ungodly occultism or magic, there is an esoteric method of studying the allegorical meanings behind all created things that can be extremely beneficial to those who are born-again with the Holy Spirit and have an active relationship with Christ in prayer. Unfortunately, however, one of these esoteric forms of studying God’s Word called Sacred Astronomy, or Biblical Astrology bears such a close resemblance to the Pagan form of Astrology that it is often rejected by unenlightened believers who have not done any research to see if there is a strong case for the truth of the claims that Sacred Astronomy has a divine origin.
Sadly, since Sacred Astronomy superficially appears to have much in common with occult Astrology, those who engage in this sacred science have received much persecution among Christians who do not understand that it was invented by our Creator God (who was the Pre-Incarnate Christ), and that it is based more on the science of Astronomy and the discipline of Biblical interpretation than on Astrology, which is a form of Sorcery used for fortune-telling.
Unlike Astrologers, those who practice Sacred Astronomy often do so to gain a better understanding of prophecies found in Genesis, Isaiah, Psalms, Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah, Revelation, and just about every other book of the Bible. These modern Wise Men are inevitably drawn to delve into the secrets of Sacred Astronomy because countless symbolic creatures, situations, and structures in biblical prophecies appear to have a very real stellar connection. In fact, the symbols found in the forty-eight ancient constellations used in Sacred Astronomy unquestionably tell the same prophetic story as the Bible, and are focused on the unique Person and mission of the Redeemer, Prince, and Messiah who is both the Son of God and the Son of Man. The symbols in Sacred Astronomy also indicate - just as the Bible does - that this same God-man would have several imperfect, purely human prefigurations in the likes of great men like Abraham, Joseph, and Moses - but no perfect equal on Earth or in Heaven outside of God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
The forty-eight constellations of the ancient Mazzaroth or Zodiac and their individual stars have been associated with certain concrete images and definitive names since time immemorial, and are not just figments of people’s over active imaginations. In fact, the Bible clearly teaches that none other than God Himself chose the symbols and names for the constellations and stars surrounding our Earth. In my books, I call God’s use of these symbols to teach us about Christ and to communicate His Will to us “the Language of God.” Simply put, the Language of God is an allegorical pictorial and symbolic language that silently communicates God’s personality, nature, and attributes to us through the Person of His Son. In fact, once people are aware of its existence, and see how godly a study it is, the Language of God as found in the Ancient Zodiac contains the whole Gospel of Christ that is contained in the Bible, even though the stars in the Zodiac were created thousands of years before the Bible was written!
Nonetheless, the written Word of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit are needed before any correct interpretation of the symbols used in the Language of God and the Mazzaroth can be made. This is why the knowledge of Sacred Astronomy has been hidden away since ancient times. People who do not know God personally through His Holy Spirit cannot properly understand it and are much more likely to misuse it. Despite this, the knowledge of Sacred Astronomy is being resurrected today to challenge the claims of the escalating number of ungodly scientists, doctors, archeologists, astronomers, and geologists who deny the existence of God. Many of them also claim that all ancient societies were either polytheistic or pantheistic from the beginning and only developed monotheistic ideas about God much later in history. In addition, there has been an unprecedented rise in occultism, Paganism, and witchcraft today. For this reason, the truth about the Gospel hidden in the Mazzaroth is now being revealed to more than just a few Wise Men to make a mockery of the scientific and religious communities that are rebelling against God. In addition, this esoteric knowledge is being disclosed to this final generation before the Great Tribulation so that they can re-claim all the wonderful symbols in God’s creation for Christ, through Whom every symbol was created, and by Whom each received their meaning.
As mentioned in my book, “The Language of God in the Universe,” the Bible clearly teaches that Yahweh God set the stars in the heavens:
“Praise the LORD (Yahweh) from the heavens, praise him in the heights above. Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his heavenly hosts. Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars. Praise him, you highest heavens and you waters above the skies. Let them praise the name of the LORD (Yahweh), for he commanded and they were created. He set them in place for ever and ever; he gave a decree that will never pass away.” - Psalm 148:1-6 (NIV)
The Bible also teaches that the stars were meant to be a sign for us - to help us keep track of days, years, seasons of the year, and the unfolding of Gods prophetic timeline:
“Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth;’ and it was so.” - Genesis 1:14-15 (NKJ)
Upon reading the preceding Scripture, I was compelled to ask these questions: “How, if they are so dim, were the stars meant to give light to the Earth? Were they somehow brighter in the past, or did the light they give come from enlightenment?”“Could the light referred to in the above Scripture be the light of spiritual knowledge that comes from discerning the Language of God written in the ‘Heavenly Tablets’ - the forty eight constellations that make up the twelve major Zodiac signs?” This is highly probable. In addition to knowing the spiritual implications of each constellation, certain alignments of the Sun, Moon, planets and comets may show us which part of Yahweh’s heavenly prophecy written in the Mazzaroth is unfoldingduring each passing Age.
Since much of the prophetic import found in the Gospel in the Stars is found in the names of the stars themselves, the source of their names needs to be conclusively shown. The Bible can clear up any ambiguity about the origins of the star names:
“He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” - Psalm 147:4-5 (NIV)
The Bible passage quoted here conclusively shows thatYahweh God alone named the stars. Furthermore, Yahweh alone determined the positions that the stars occupy. He alone set the stars in the skies, both as signs for us and as a testament to His power and glory. However, for those who want more Biblical proof, more is available.
For example, Yahweh used the names of known constellations during His discourse with Job from out of a whirlwind. He named the Pleiades cluster in Taurus by its Hebrew name “Kemah” and called the Orion constellation “Kesil,” meaning “burly” or “fat” and, by implication, “giant.” Job also evidently knew about the constellations and refers to four of them as he discusses Yah’s creation of them with one of his friends:
“He made the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.” - Job 9:9 (NKJ)
It is evident from these clear references to the Zodiac that educated, righteous men like Job studied the Sacred Astronomy developed by the Sethites before the Flood. The existing records of the many spiritual legacies left to us by the Sethites are closely examined in Books Three and Four of the Language of God Book Series. To understand Sethite Astronomy better, let’s study the Scripture just quoted to see exactly which constellations Job was referring to.
The constellation identified as the Bear by the translator was called Arctos, or Arcturus in ancient times, in mimicry of the constellation connected to it. This was Bootes, which contains the star called Arcturus, and may also have been known as Arcturus or the Guardian of Arcturus in ancient times. This large circumpolar constellation is also known as Ursa Major or the Greater Bear. It is called “Ayish,” which means, “To Hasten” in Hebrew. Like Yah does later in the Book of Job (Job 38:31), Job also mentions Orion and the Pleiades by their Hebrew names, signifying his familiarity with the Zodiac sign of Taurus and its decans. Finally, Job mentions the “chambers of the south,” which are called “cheder teman“ in Hebrew. When translated into English, “cheder” literally means “enclosure” and “teman“ means “right-hand“ or, by implication, “the south.”
Though the exact meaning of this phrase “enclosure of the right hand” is uncertain, the late scholar Joseph A. Seiss argued that it refers to Scorpio. In his book “The Gospel in the Stars,” Seiss pointed out that Job positively identifies three constellations in the same sentence in which this phrase appears. It therefore likely refers to a specific constellation as opposed to a general section of the night sky. Seiss also noted that the constellation on the ecliptic that is opposite to (or figuratively “to the south of”) the Pleiades in Taurus is the Zodiac sign of Scorpio. Scorpio has three decan signs associated with it, which are Hercules, Ophiuchus, and Serpens, as shown in the preceding star chart featuring Ophiuchus in the center.
In the same illustration, note the location of the constellation called
In the heavens, Typhon/Cetus is threatening to eat the trapped princess depicted by the constellation Andromeda the Chained Woman. However, Cetus also appears to be fleeing from the flood of water inexhaustibly pouring out of Aquarius’ water urn, as shown in the adjacent star chart. Orion the Hunter and Perseus the Breaker also seem to be threatening to pierce Cetus with their uplifted swords, while Aries seems ready to run Cetus through with its horns and trample it under its hooves. Intriguingly, each of these enemies of Cetus or Satan were meant to be prefigurations of Christ - just as many biblical heroes prefigured Him. Job’s reference to God piercing the fleeing serpent could therefore also be dualistically pointing to Orion and Perseus as depictions of Christ as the coming conquering King who will pierce and destroy Satan or the “fleeing serpent.”
Psalm 19, Proof that the Gospel in the Stars Exists
In regard to the Star Gospel, Psalm 19 tells us that there is much more to understanding the heart, mind, and Spirit of God than studying Scripture alone. It tells us that, in addition to studying the Scriptures, we need to seek the messages about God that He has left for us in every aspect of His Creation. Psalm 19 is the most amazing proof text for the existence of the Language of God in the Bible. The second verse of Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens “pour forth speech.” However, one may ask; “How can they do this if the heavens are mute? What vehicle do the heavens use to convey these truths of God to us?” These questions are further deepened by verse two of this psalm, which specifically tells us that the heavens speak in a voice without language or speech barriers.
Instances of this silent language are found everywhere in Psalm 19. For example, in verse 2, Psalm 19 tells us that God made the heavens to serve as a tent for the Sun. In the fifth verse, Psalm 19 says that the Sun is an analogy for both a bridegroom and a champion. As shown in “The Language of God in the Universe,” the Sun is a visual metaphor for Yahweh and His Son Yahshua (i.e. Jesus). Therefore, this connection of the Sun with a bridegroom clearly points to Christ as the Great Bridegroom coming for His Bride the Church. Yahshua, our Bridegroom and Kinsman Redeemer, is also truly the Champion of our Salvation.
Psalm 19 further tells us that the starry heavens declare the glory of God and display knowledge (verse 2), implying that they are meant to illuminate our souls with spiritual light using a language without cultural or linguistic barriers. This therefore cannot be a language based on vocalized, or written words, but a symbolic language consisting of numbers, allegories, and concepts. But some may ask: “If this symbolic language is there in the day and night sky, how come we have forgotten it and how can we prove it exists? How were people in ages past made aware of this unspoken metaphorical language in Yah’s (i.e. God's) Creation? How long has this language been in existence, and who invented it?” These are good questions that the Language of God Book Series attempts to answer, especially Book One.
To answer the question of how long this heavenly Language has existed, let’s look at another Bible passage:
“Then God (Elohim) said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signsand seasons, and for days and years… Then God (Elohim) made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God (Elohim) set them in the… heavens to give light on the Earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God (Elohim) saw that it was good.” - Genesis 1:14-18 (NKJ)
The above Scripture makes it clear that Yahweh God created the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars in the heavens to “be for signs and for seasons” (Genesis 1:14). Let's analyze this phrase to see what the Hebrew words for signs and seasons actually meant. Strong's Hebrew Concordance explains that the original word translated as signs was “owth,” or “oth.” This word could mean that something is a signal, as in a flag, or beacon. It could also mean that it is a monument, sign, or token. This suggests that God meant for the Sun, Moon, planets, and the starry heavens to be a “beacon of light” for enlightenment. Using an analogy that expresses this in God's Language,these shining heavenly bodies were meant to guide each human being out of the dark night of sin, and toward the light of Yahweh. This message of light piercing the darkness is especially evident in the night sky.
In the starry expanse of space was an unavoidable visual reminder of the true path to redemption and resurrection. There in the stars was the first master key to understanding the true nature of human existence. Though few are aware of this, the constellations we can see from Earth at night allegorically show that mankind is locked in a spiritual battle between good and evil. Just as in the Bible, the central figure of this battle foretold in the sky is the champion of mankind: Yahshua, the Savior of the World. This is all revealed pictorially and allegorically in the Zodiac, especially as it was pictured in ancient times.
In Chapters Two and Six of “The Language of God in the Universe,” I fully explore why Yahweh “spoke” this spiritual story into the constellations of the Zodiac at the moment of Creation, and what Yahweh was telling us through it. For now, however, let’s examine the biblical proofs that the heavens are a remarkable monument revealing Yahweh's power and greatness. This visual testimony was called the “Heavenly Tablets” before the time of Moses. The Bible identifies the Zodiac using the Hebrew word “Mazzaroth,” and this starry witness of God’s Glory is a vibrant example of the metaphorical Language of God.
The second verse of Psalm 19 declares that the heavens have a definite voice that we can understand and that has gone out “to all the earth” and “to the ends of the world.” This means that no one is without access to this “voice,” and everyone can understand it once they know of it and its true purpose. Though a few believers have heard a literal divine voice coming out of Heaven (most Biblical examples of those who literally heard God’s voice being prophets like Moses and John the Baptist), God’s voice can also be a silent one that conveys truth symbolically. Several examples in the Bible refer specifically to this voice. For example, though he doesn’t specifically call it a voice, the Apostle Paul speaks of this silent communication evident in all Creation:
“For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - his eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” - Romans 1:20 (NIV)
Here, Paul’s words clearly convey his belief that this silent “voice” or language has been evident everywhere in the Cosmos and upon the Earth since the dawn of time and the Pagans are therefore without excuse for their erroneous beliefs. Another powerful example occurs in Chapter Four of the Book of Revelation, where there is a vision of Yahweh seated on His throne in Heaven. There, the Four Living Creatures have six wings. These wings can be viewed as dividers for six 60-degree sections of the 360-degree starry night sky, or the heavens. The wings are covered with “eyes,” and like the wings of the Living Creatures, the eyes are metaphors too - but the eyes refer to the stars in the heavens instead of heaven itself. These cosmic beings are said to proclaim that The Lord God Almighty (Yahweh Elohim Tsavout) is holy both day and night:
“Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under his wings. Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty (Yahweh Elohim Tsavout), who was, and is, and is to come’ ” - Rev. 4:8 (NIV)
In comparison, Psalm 19 also tells us that the heavens somehow “speak,” or communicate their knowledge of God both day and night:
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard” - Psalm 19:1-3 (NIV)
It appears that men in ancient times understood this truth much better than we do today. Through their keen observation of the world and the Cosmos, the ancient followers of Yahweh Elohim seemed to have had a more pure, and complex knowledge of Him than we do today - with our fixation on the Bible alone as a source of divine truth. Much proof for this supposition can be found throughout the Language of God Book Series. This series also shows that the remarkable correlations between the Bible, and the allegorical, mathematical and scientific “language” that is built into the fabric of Yahweh's Creation prove that the same Master Creator inspired both, and that both are the inspired Word of God. All Creation speaks with a special metaphorical language that - by its perfect cohesiveness with the Bible - appears to be fully divine in origin.
In my books, I examine the many ways that God’s unspoken Language broadcasts great truths about Yah’s character, and loving personality. In addition, many proofs are given which show that our remotest ancestors knew of, and constantly utilized Yah’s special symbolic language - both in their rituals of worship, and in the plans of their sacred buildings. This is nowhere more evident than in the rituals and holidays of the Jews, which are filled with this divine allegorical language. This is why Satan has worked overtime to pervert our understanding of the Language of God. As a result, our knowledge of it was so badly perverted in the distant past that it became almost unrecognizable as a genuine gift from Yah meant to guide mankind to righteousness.
One question pertaining to the Language of God that many have asked is: “If the Bible is sufficient to lead us to salvation, why is it necessary to study and uphold this external allegorical verification?” There are several reasons. First, though the Bible is a divinely inspired work that is undeniably the greatest source of saving knowledge about Yahweh God, it is still simply a book that was created by men. As such, it can easily remain unread, and disregarded. Though Christians rightly revere it, the Bible is easily ignored or rejected by unsaved people. One can simply choose not to look inside its covers if uninterested in knowing what the Scriptures have to say about God and mankind. In addition, the Bible’s many messages are all but lost to the skeptics who view the Word of God as a mythological, or fanciful collection of fairytales. To those who are not earnestly seeking to know Yahweh, its teachings can be blatantly rejected, or grossly misinterpreted. Furthermore, even though the Bible is still the best selling book of all time, there are millions of illiterate people, and some cultures with no written language.
There is, however, a visual record of God’s nature and purpose that is extremely difficult to refute or ignore. Furthermore, it doesn’t rely on the knowledge of reading to be seen and understood. Though it can never be perfectly interpreted in our degenerate condition, this pictorial testimony is nonetheless available even now to anyone seeking to know Yahweh deeply. It is found through analyzing given visual and symbolic clues in the Universe all around us, and in and on the Earth itself. These parts of our natural world have been giving all people, in all ages, virtually the same unchanging pictorial messages about our Creator.
Unfortunately, though the existence of the Universe can’t be easily ignored, its messages to us can be misinterpreted. Those without true spiritual discernment have been twisting the spiritual knowledge found in the Earth, and the Cosmos, since time began. Some ignore the spiritual teachings found in Yahweh’s Creation altogether. Still others go too far, claiming that the Earth and the Universe around it are sentient manifestations of an impersonal, multidimensional godhead. In other words, they claim that every object in space and every living thing is a god in its own right, and is a part of an impersonal godhead. How terribly sad that those believing this have completely perverted the truth locked into the Universe by God’s own creative hand!
Astrology: Sacred Astronomy Turned to Evil Ends
Many may wonder: “If the Zodiac has a holy origin, why did Yahweh let His first heavenly Gospel message to mankind become so corrupted?” The answer is simple. Since Yahweh allows men free will, they can choose what to believe. Sadly, in the case of the Zodiac, men eventually chose to invent their own stories around it when they stopped loving and following the True God. Though men were perfectly capable of perverting the truth entirely on their own, the Book of 1 Enoch indicates that the fallen angelic Watchers and their evil Nephilim offspring taught people many perversions of God’s Truth. One of these falsehoods was the erroneous use of Sacred Astronomy as a means of fortune telling. Hence, the false science of Astrology was born.
God condemned the Pagans for their heinous sin of assigning idolatrous and blasphemous meanings to the Zodiac. Ancient Pagan usage of the Zodiac to determine the outcomes of certain events like wars, or to foretell the future of a nation or king was wrong because it took men’s attention away from God and redirected it onto created things. They therefore lost sight of Yahweh’s sovereignty over all Creation and His ability to alter the course of our lives for the better - despite the portents in the stars! In addition, the use of Astrology for fortunetelling was a form of Sorcery, which attempts to alter the destiny of people or nations by thwarting God’s revealed Will in the Mazzaroth.
After Astrology was introduced, Pagan Astrologers obscured the divinely appointed prophetic and spiritual meanings of the constellations and their principal stars. At various times in history and in various countries, royal court Astrologers assigned new meanings to the twelve signs of the Zodiac. They also fashioned false religious myths about the Sun, Moon, and planets, depicting them as gods. The myths that were fabricated to deify the objects in our Solar System and the Zodiac effectively obscured the original divinely ordained meanings given to the planets and constellations. This is partly why many of the current names used for the objects in our Solar System and for the forty-eight ancient constellations come from Greek, Roman, or Babylonian mythology instead of from Semitic sources.
Sadly, the ancient Babylonians were avid stargazers who openly embraced the false beliefs surrounding Astrology. Astrology fostered idolatry and unrighteousness, and it is well known from the cuneiform tablets so far discovered that Nimrod and the other kings of Babylon were obsessed with finding omens in the heavens. In fact, they employed hundreds of professional astrologers called Magi to keep track of the omens in the heavens and to record every celestial thing of note that they saw. The clay tablets of these Magi often contain nothing but cuneiform astronomical calculations and predictions covering nearly the whole span of time that Mesopotamian kings ruled the known world.
Astrology is not just a means of fortune telling, but a false religious system that was practiced throughout the known world at one time. After the Flood, the kingdoms of
The false teachings of Astrology pervert the facts behind Sacred Astronomy by turning it into a method of fortune telling, manipulating history, and determining one’s own fate. In effect, the followers of Nimrod’s false religion rebelled against Yahweh’s sovereignty in their lives just as Adam and Eve originally did when they fell. Astrology therefore became a tool to manipulate one’s fate. Some people became so masterful at manipulating Astrology to serve their own ends that they were able to obtain power over others through it. Wizards and Sorcerers of every age have utilized this evil source of power to get what they desire without asking God first. Sorcerers have also effectively inspired fear by becoming masters at controlling demonic power through Black Magic. To this day, would-be Wizards enlist the aid of demons to attempt to thwart God’s Will and to promote the use of magic for selfish ends.
Though there is a correlation between the heavenly signs each human being is born under and the personality and destiny of that individual, we were not meant to tamper with God’s Will for our lives. We can look at these signs to see what sort of spiritual walk we are destined to travel, but should never attempt to manipulate our destiny! Instead, we should ask God to fulfill His purpose for us, as well as through us. Nonetheless, people throughout history have egotistically believed that they have the right to go their own way. Some extraordinarily deceived men and women even believed that they could or had somehow fulfilled the messianic prophecies revealed in the archetypical characters of the Zodiac! That is why, throughout history, there have been repeated instances of people proclaiming themselves to be messiahs, avatars, or some other embodiment of God the Father or God’s Son on Earth.
For example, many past dictatorial figures sought to claim world dominion and to rule over a global empire that only the true Messiah Yahshua is meant to control. Furthermore, many of these power-hungry individuals believed they had a divine right, and destiny to rule. Figures like Ramesses II, Nimrod, Alexander the Great, Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin come to mind as men who thought they had a divine right to rule, and who sought the unquestioned submission, adulation, and worship of the people they ruled over.
Due to Nimrod’s strong rejection of the Supreme Creator God Yah, he set up a new religion with a supposedly more benign mother goddess called Ishtar or Inanna at its head, thereby rejecting the masculine nature of the God of Abraham. In addition, Nimrod, and his deluded followers perverted the messages of the Mazzaroth, denying their fulfillment in a future divine and fully righteous Messiah. Instead, they invented a whole pantheon of gods and goddesses out of the various characters in the Zodiac story. They also viewed the Sun, Moon, planets, stars, and constellations as symbols for gods, goddesses and people who claimed to be divine - like Nimrod. Shamefully, Nimrod falsely claimed to be the embodiment of the one God-man whose prototype was imprinted and foretold all across the starry heavens. In fact, Nimrod showed his total rejection of God’s Son by claiming to be the human embodiment of the God-man represented by the constellation named Orion. Nonetheless, the “Language of God” series books unequivocally show that Orion is a symbol for Christ that was mimicked - but never fulfilled by any other person outside of Him.
Sacred Astronomy, A Godly Source of Celestial Knowledge
Despite the evil advent of Astrology in
Sacred or Biblical Astronomy is the science that arose around the correct application of Yahweh’s Gospel in the Stars. This science was devised to follow the movements of stars and planets within the Zodiac. By following celestial movements, godly men hoped to determine the times when Yah’s Will revealed in the Zodiac would be fulfilled – not to tamper with it, but to be prepared for it and speed its coming! Throughout the Language of God Book Series, the remarkable power of Sacred Astronomy to aid us in our understanding of biblical prophecy is explored in detail.
Thankfully, the most prominent stars and planets still have known Hebrew and Arabic names that give clear indications of their original meanings. The Jewish names for and meanings behind the Sun, Moon, and known planets at the time of Christ are shown in my book “The Language of God in the Universe.” The Pagan Astrologers also couldn’t destroy the order in which the constellations are arranged or alter the course of the Sun, Moon, or planets. The basic story written in the heavens by the finger of God was therefore kept in its correct order.
When creating this incredibly complex, precision timepiece, Yahweh made sure that the positions of all these celestial bodies in relation to the Earth would show both men and angels when to expect certain divinely appointed events. This is why Jewish cosmology places the Earth at the center of the Universe. By following the movements of, and configurations formed by the Sun, Moon, and planets of our Solar System within the constellations, men can determine when a certain prophesied event in the Bible is about to occur, or may have occurred in the past. One amazing example of this is presented in Book One surrounding the Birth of Christ, and also in my free essay about the Birth of Christ at the web site.
The Origin of the Sacred Monuments Tied to the Mazzaroth
While seeking the all-encompassing Language of God in our natural world, Book One shows that our righteous antediluvian ancestors developed a great level of intimacy with God. They understood the Language of God, and they appear to have applied it to every aspect of their lives. In addition, those past sages built great religious monuments, which survive to this day as a testimony about God, and His special Language. Some of our righteous ancestors may even have known God as well as biblically instructed believers do today - but without a Bible, or other written Scriptures to read! All the books in the Language of God Book Series show how those past sages learned about God and His Son via Sacred Astronomy, and via their sacred architecture, religious rituals, and sacred objects that God inspired them to create.
Josephus indicates that the antediluvian ancestors of Seth built two pillars - one of stone and the other of brick - that would record all their knowledge of the heavens:
“…And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars, the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the
In the above passage, Josephus claims that the Sethites built one stone and one brick “pillar” in a place called Siriad, and that these two pillars still existed in the 1st Century AD, when Josephus wrote his histories. Siriad is an ancient name for
Several Fourth Dynasty rulers are thought to have built the two pyramids south of
In particular, the Great Pyramid at Giza shows advanced technological, astronomical, and mathematical knowledge that the Ancient Egyptians simply did not have for most of their history – mathematical knowledge such as the value of Pi (p). This suggests that some culture other than theirs built the Great Pyramid in the remote past. Certain Arab legends indicate that it was the godly antediluvian patriarch Enoch who built the Great Pyramid. According to biblical chronology, Enoch was born about 3381 BC, which means he would have been translated into heaven in 3016 BC, exactly 365 years after he was born. If the Great Pyramid were built during, or shortly after Enoch’s patriarchal rule, this would place the building of the Great Pyramid to a much earlier epoch than the 4th Dynasty, which is currently believed to have been around the middle of the Third Millennium BC.
Arab legends indicate that the Great Pyramid was built to record the scientific, mathematical, and prophetic knowledge of the remote past. In Book Four, “The Language of God in Prophecy,” an entire section is devoted to showing that this Arab legend is absolutely true. The Great Pyramid is a veritable encyclopedia of arcane knowledge about the Universe, our Solar System, and our Earth. It may also have been meant to record the date of the Universe’s creation, the year of the birth of Christ, and the date of the world’s probable demise at the end of time - when the New Heaven and the New Earth will be created.
Still other legends attribute the building of the Great Pyramid to Seth or his grandson Cainan. I do not believe that Cainan built the three biggest pyramids at
The dating of the star shafts in the Great Pyramid to the night sky in 2500 BC place its possible construction to about 200 years before the Flood, which likely began in 2347 BC. Based on the quotation by the historian Josephus about the antediluvian descendants of Seth building two monuments in Syriad, Enoch’s orally transmitted prophecies and visions, or his writings may have been the spiritual foundation for the Great Pyramid, and the Great Sphinx. Perhaps even before Enoch was translated, those who followed Seth and Enoch could have built the Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx. Due to the ungodliness and lawlessness that spread out of control over a thousand years before the Great Flood, it is also likely that these monuments were built near to where the righteous among the Sethite clans lived in
Interestingly, the star shafts and entrance of the Great Pyramid point to the year 2500 BC as a significant year. Since this pyramid was likely built to point to the year 2500 BC, it may have been built on or around that year as well. However, Josephus tells us that Abraham taught the science of Astronomy to the Ancient Egyptians. This would have been sometime around 2000 BC, and since the Egyptians had no knowledge of Sacred Astronomy beforehand, it follows that the Egyptians could nothave built the Giza Pyramid complex. In fact, it is likely that the Ancient Egyptian culture that Abraham knew, and we are largely familiar with originated after the Great Flood of 2347 BC. If so, then the Pillar of Enoch’s construction belongs to a culture that inhabited the area around
Though it existed before the Bible was written, the Great Pyramid heralded the biblical view of the path to salvation very well. Since the Great Pyramid seems to be such a godly edifice, scholars have sought to locate some confirmation of its purpose in the Bible. This confirmation was found in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah:
“In that day there will be an altar to the LORD (Yahweh) in the midst of the
Though some believe that this prophecy could have applied to Moses as the savior of the oppressed Israelites, Isaiah was born long after Moses died. This prophecy is therefore speaking of a future time in
The word “
By truly being in the “the heart of
Sacred Astronomy Perverted Into Pagan Astrology
Whenever Astrology is used for fortune telling, or in magical rites, the entire Zodiac is turned into an idol. The temptation to apply the truths of Biblical Astronomy to our own individual lives - as is done in modern Astrology - isn’t anything new. Every ancient Pagan king had court astrologers who tried to correctly determine the divine omens in the Zodiac sign the king was born under. They also constantly searched the night sky, looking for omens in the Zodiac that might affect the kingdom. Ostensibly, they did this to help give the king an edge over his adversaries, or to make him appear more god-like, and omnipotent. The Bible is full of references to, and condemnations of this particular practice (See Genesis 41:8; Ester 1:13; Isaiah 19:11-12, 47:13-14; Daniel 2:12-13, 4:7, 5:7).
Though not every king of
“And it was in the night that Abram was born, that all the servants of Terah, and all the wise men of Nimrod, and his conjurors came and ate and drank in the house of Terah, and they rejoiced with him on that night.And when all the wise men and conjurors went out from the house of Terah, they lifted up their eyes toward heaven that night to look at the stars, and they saw, and behold one very large star came from the east and ran in the heavens, and he swallowed up the four stars from the four sides of the heavens. 3 And all the wise men of the king and his conjurors were astonished at the sight, and the sages understood this matter, and they knew its import. 4 And they said to each other, This only betokens the child that has been born to Terah this night, who will grow up and be fruitful, and multiply, and possess all the earth, he and his children for ever, and he and his seed will slay great kings, and inherit their lands…”
“…and they all went to the king and bowed down to him to the ground, and they said, May the king live, may the king live. 9 We heard that a son was born to Terah the son of Nahor, the prince of thy host, and we yesternight came to his house, and we ate and drank and rejoiced with him that night. 10 And when thy servants went out from the house of Terah, to go to our respective homes to abide there for the night, we lifted up our eyes to heaven, and we saw a great star coming from the east, and the same star ran with great speed, and swallowed up four great stars, from the four sides of the heavens.”
“And thy servants were astonished at the sight which we saw, and were greatly terrified, and we made our judgment upon the sight, and knew by our wisdom the proper interpretation thereof, that this thing applies to the child that is born to Terah, who will grow up and multiply greatly, and become powerful, and kill all the kings of the earth, and inherit all their lands, he and his seed forever. And now our lord and king, behold we have truly acquainted thee with what we have seen concerning this child. 13 If it seemeth good to the king to give his father value for this child, we will slay him before he shall grow up and increase in the land, and his evil increase against us, that we and our children perish through his evil.” - Jasher 8:1-4,8-13
In the preceding passages, the astrologers and conjurers from Nimrod’s era - who were called wise men like the Magi in Christ’s birth narrative - were the evil forerunners to the ones who saw Yahshua’s star in the east, and came to worship Him. In stark contrast to the godly behavior of Matthew’s Magi, Nimrod’s wise men told him of the portents they saw in the heavens surrounding Abraham’s birth. They saw that the heavens foretold the birth of a male child who would be against Nimrod, and would seek to destroy his power. Since they had a vested interest in seeing Nimrod stay in power, however, they defied God’s Will, and recommended that the infant Abraham be found, and put to death so he could not fulfill his destiny! This story clearly shows that the sin of the Astrologers of Nimrod’s day was their use of the stars as an aid in Sorcery, which is a form of magic and an open type of rebellion against Yahweh. Despite their ability to correctly use Sacred Astronomy, the ancient astrologers of Nimrod’s court applied it to evil ends, thereby debasing its sacred purpose.
Fortunately, the Magi mentioned in Yahshua’s birth narrative indicate that Sacred Astronomy was used for good purposes by at least one righteous line of wise men. These wise men were most likely descendents of the sages who had served the Persian kings under the prophet Daniel. Many claim that the Magi who came to worship Christ were Zoroastrians. However, it is much more likely that thee wise men were either Jewish or had converted to Judaism. This is because the Zoroastrians were not looking for a Jewish Messiah to be their Savior or King. The Magi, however, had come specifically to worship the babe who had been born “King of the Jews”(Matthew 2:2)! No Zoroastrian wise man would have cared about the birth of any Jewish King unless they had wanted to annihilate him as a servant of
Many Jews like the prophet Daniel were exiled to Babylonia for 70 years after the fall of the
From this supposition, another interesting theory can be drawn that concerns Zoroastrianism. Iranian historians place Zoroaster’s era to around 600 BC, which would have made Zoroaster a contemporary of Daniel the Prophet! If so, is it possible that Zoroaster was a friend of the Magi in the king’s court at that time, and he learned about the true God Yahweh from them, or from Daniel himself? If so, this may explain why there are so many interesting parallels between Zoroastrianism and Judeo-Christianity - as was explored in Chapter Two of Book One.
Other Magi, however, obviously rejected the truth, and practiced the corrupted form of Astronomy called Astrology, which was used solely for fortune-telling in an effort to usurp God’s Will. Indeed, many ancient cultures outside of
Yahweh vehemently condemned
“The officials of Zoan are nothing but fools; the wise counselors of Pharaoh give senseless advice. How can you say to Pharaoh, ‘I am one of the wise men, a disciple of the ancient kings’? Where are your wise men now? Let them show you and make known what the LORD Almighty (Yahweh Tsavout) has planned against
In verse 11 of the preceding Scripture, Yahweh says sarcastically: “How can you say to Pharaoh, ‘I am one of the wise men, a disciple of the ancient kings?’” In doing so, Yahweh makes it clear that these wise men or Magi of Pharaoh’s court felt that they were the inheritors of a legacy that existed since the times of “the ancient kings.” Could the time of these “ancient kings” have been the Age before the Flood - the time known to the Ancient Egyptians as the “First Time?” If so, the ancient kings being referred to were likely the godly antediluvian Patriarchs of the line of Seth, since they likely were the first people to understand and correctly interpret Sacred Astronomy. Unfortunately, however, the Astrologers of Pharaoh’s court had perverted the truths found in the Great Pyramid and the Great Sphinx that the descendents of Seth left behind. This is why Yahweh condemned the Astrologers of Ancient
Unfortunately, Astrology is still being used for the same evil ends as it was in Nimrod’s day and in Ancient Egypt. We do this today for similar reasons, wanting to use the power of Astrology to predict our own future and obtain the best that life can offer with the least amount of pain. However, the Bible makes it clear that we are not to use Astrology to foretell our own personal future or to make decisions. We instead need to learn to pray and rely on Yahweh God to direct our paths and bless our future endeavors. This is because Yahweh is not subject to the influence of the Zodiac and has the power to make or break the predictions of the stars. For the same reason, we are not to bow down and worship stars or any other created things:
“There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or one who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer (i.e. astrologer), or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. For all who do these things are an abomination to the LORD (Yahweh), and because of these abominations the LORD your God (Yahweh Elohim) drives them out from before you.” - Deuteronomy 18:10-12 (NKJ)
Engaging in idolatrous practices such as fortune telling, astrology, interpreting omens, and star worshipping are some of the reasons why Yahweh allowed the Northern Kingdom of Israel to be destroyed. This left only the Southern Kingdom of Judah to remain for a time:
“And they caused their sons and daughters to pass through the fire, practiced witchcraft and soothsaying, and sold themselves to do evil in the sight of the LORD (Yahweh), to provoke Him to anger. Therefore the LORD (Yahweh) was very angry with
As punishment for their sins, the inhabitants of the Northern Kingdom of Israel were either slaughtered or carried away to
“Then he removed the idolatrous priests whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Judah and in the places all around Jerusalem, and those who burned incense to Baal, to the sun, to the moon, to the constellations, and to all the host of heaven.” - II Kings 23:5 (NKJ)
We must therefore heed the practice of King Josiah and make sure we do not turn the physical heavens or the symbols and meaning of the Zodiac into an idol.However, though we shouldn’t worship the Zodiac, we need to recognize the starry expanse of heaven as a prophetic time clock created by Yahweh God. This prophetic astronomical clock is examined closely in “The Language of God in the Universe,” and is prophetically applied in “The Language of God in History” and “The Language of God in Prophecy.”
Sacred Astronomy, the Divine Science Known to Abraham
In Book Three, “The Language of God in History,” we discuss the wisdom that Cainan and Enoch had, and the great current value of the ancient book that bears Enoch’s name. We also explore exactly how Sacred Astronomy was corrupted into Pagan Astrology, and how both philosophies survived despite the initial righteousness of the world’s population after the Great Flood. The knowledge of Sacred Astronomy was passed down from Noah to his sons but later was turned into a means of fortune-telling by ungodly men in order to attempt to thwart God’s Will. This is why so many cuneiform tablets have been found that contain nothing but astronomical calculations marking the position of the Sun, Moon, planets, and various constellations. This is also why all Mesopotamian Wise Men marked the passing of months and seasons with the constellations that would have been visible in the sky at any given time.
Interestingly, the First Century Jewish historian Josephus wrote that Abraham taught the Ancient Egyptians how to apply Astronomy. Josephus also indicated that this science originated not with Abraham, but with Abraham’s people group, who were known as the Chaldeans:
“For whereas the Egyptians were formerly addicted to different customs, and despised one another's sacred and accustomed rites, and were very angry one with another on that account, Abram conferred with each of them, and, confuting the reasonings they made use of, every one for their own practices, demonstrated that such reasonings were vain and void of truth: whereupon he was admired by them in those conferences as a very wise man, and one of great sagacity, when he discoursed on any subject he undertook; and this not only in understanding it, but in persuading other men also to assent to him. He communicated to them arithmetic, and delivered to them the science of astronomy; for before Abram came into
Remember that Abraham was a Semite from
Like Job, Abraham knew Yahweh well - so well that he became known as “God’s friend” (2 Chronicles 20:7; Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23) In fact, Abraham entered into a very special Blood Covenant relationship of fealty and protection with Yahweh. At that time, Abraham (who was still known as Abram) was taken outside and directed to look at the sky above him. Given the time of year and time of night, various constellations would have been visible in the night sky. It is therefore highly likely that God directed Abraham to view the portion of the Gospel in the Stars that pertained to him and his innumerable offspring. This is suggested in Genesis 15:5-6, where the words “count” and “number” could have been translated “declare” or “reckon:”
“Then He brought him outside and said, ‘Look now toward heaven, and count (i.e. declare the meaning of) the stars if you are able to number them (i.e. reckon their meaning).’ And He said to him, ‘So shall your descendants be.’ And he believed in the LORD (Yahweh), and He accounted it to him for righteousness. Then He said to him… ‘Bring Me a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, a three-year-old ram, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.’ Then he brought all these to Him and cut them in two, down the middle, and placed each piece opposite the other…” - Genesis 15:5-10 (NKJ)
To understand the context of this passage in Chapter 15 of Genesis, we need to note that - in the previous chapter - Abraham had just successfully led a small but powerful army of 315 trained warriors against the vast army of King Chedorlaomer and his three allied armies in order to rescue his nephew
By the time Abraham arrived on the scene in 2055 BC, or 292 years after the Great Flood, Noah and Shem were greatly revered old men. It is also highly likely that they had acquired much wealth, and were viewed as almost god-like by the local populace due to their longevity and great wisdom. At Abraham’s birth, Noah would have been 892 years old. Since he lived to be 950 years old, Noah was alive until Abraham was 48 years old. In addition, Shem - who lived 600 years - was a sprightly 392 years old, if we assume he was born 100 years before the Great Flood in 2347 BC. It is therefore clear that Shem lived long enough not only to meet with Abraham when he was still named Abram, but would have lived long enough to see the births of Ishmael, Isaac, Esau, and Jacob/Israel!
As shown here, and in the last chapter of Book Two, “The Language of God in Humanity,” Abraham was a wealthy warrior Prince, and not just some simple, wandering shepherd! It is therefore quite likely that the Zodiac sign of Orion partly signifies Abraham in his role as an armed, highly trained warrior Prince, while the sign of Taurus the Bull represents the opposition of King Chedorlaomer and his allies against Abraham and
Now, shortly after Abraham defeated Chedorlaomer, the Bible records Abraham’s fateful conversation with God Almighty in Genesis, Chapter 15, when God asked Abraham to gaze up at the night sky. Then, in the next paragraph, God asked Abraham to bring some animals to be used in a Covenant Sacrifice. Uncannily, the first three animals listed were “a three-year-old heifer, a three-year-old female goat, (and) a three-year-old ram” (Gen. 15:9) and all three animals are also represented in the region of Taurus! In the following star chart (on page 25 of the article in PDF format), note that the symbol for Taurus is a bull or heifer, the symbol for Aries is a Ram, and - above Taurus’ horn - Auriga is a goatherd holding a pregnant female goat!
Over two thousand years later - the Zodiac signs of Auriga, Orion, Taurus, and Aries would be fully realized in the Person of Yahshua, the Son of God, whom the Bible calls the Lamb of God (i.e. Aries), a Sin Offering and Atonement Sacrifice (i.e. Taurus and Auriga), and the Prince of Peace (i.e. Orion). Therefore, when Yahweh called Abraham into that first Covenant based on faith rather than blood, it seems fitting that Abraham would have potentially been gazing at the zodiac sign of Taurus along with Orion and several other nearby constellations that serve as an amazing combined symbol of God’s Grace through Christ.
Interestingly, Abraham obviously had a very deep and intimate relationship with God at that time - a time when both Grace and the Law were supposedly unknown, and God’s wrath could only be turned back by blood sacrifices, and divine acts of mercy. Now, if Abraham had no Scriptures to learn about Yahweh from, where did he get his knowledge of God? The Book of Jasher makes it clear that Abraham learned about Yahweh God from both Noah and Shem, who were still alive during the early part of Abraham’s lifetime:
“And Abram was in Noah's house thirty-nine years, and Abram knew the Lord from three years old, and he went in the ways of the Lord until the day of his death, as Noah and his son Shem had taught him; and all the sons of the earth in those days greatly transgressed against the Lord, and they rebelled against him and they served other gods, and they forgot the Lord who had created them in the earth; and the inhabitants of the earth made unto themselves, at that time, every man his god; gods of wood and stone which could neither speak, hear, nor deliver, and the sons of men served them and they became their gods.” - Jasher 9:6
Star Chart Showing the horned goat (Auriga), horned bull (Taurus),
and horned ram (Aries) used in Blood Sacrifices by the Semite Patriarchs before Moses that all signified the four-horned Israelite altars and Yahshua’s sacrifice on the Cross for our sins.
The Book of Jasher makes it clear that, despite the terrible apostasy and idolatry of “all the sons of the earth,” Abraham was a righteous man from the time he was a toddler until death due to the upright instruction he received from Noah and Shem. This kept Abraham from practicing the idolatry, and open rebellion against God that was so encouraged in Nimrod’s despotic dictatorship.
As explained earlier, Noah and Shem likely knew the Gospel in the Stars. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, these godly patriarchs could have further clarified their findings in the Zodiac’s message by utilizing the symbolic messages found in other created things - both in the heavens, and on the Earth. Their understanding of God’s symbolic Language may also have been aided through studying visions and dreams that came from the Holy Spirit. Through their belief in Yahweh Elohim, and His promised Messiah, Noah and Shem received forgiveness for their sins, and were given the promise of resurrection, and everlasting life.
We can also assume that, by the time Abram arrived on the scene in 2055 BC, or 292 years after the Great Flood, Noah and Shem were greatly revered old men. It is also highly likely that they had acquired much wealth, and were viewed as almost god-like by the local populace due to their longevity, and great wisdom. At Abram’s birth, Noah would have been 892 years old. Since he lived to be 950 years old, Noah was alive until Abram was 48 years old. In addition, Shem - who lived 600 years - was a sprightly 392 years old, if we assume he was born 100 years before the Great Flood in 2347 BC. It is therefore clear that Shem lived long enough not only to meet with Abram years later as the biblical Melchizedek, king of Salem, and priest of God Most High (a.k.a. El Elyon), but that he would have been around to see the births of Ishmael, Isaac, Esau, and Jacob, who was renamed Israel!
The Book of Jasher makes it clear that Noah and Shem were not idolaters. This means they worshipped one God, and only one God. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief, they knew God’s name as Yah, or Eyah, and they also addressed God as Elohim, or El Elyon, which means God Most High. In fact, Yahweh Elohim has been worshipped since the beginning of time as the one true God. However, for a long time in the ancient past, Yahweh was considered merely a nature deity, or storm godworshipped by disparate Semitic tribes throughout Ancient Mesopotamia, and the
The Holy Spirit Required to Interpret Sacred Symbols
In Book One, it was revealed how the true spiritual teachings of God’s allegorical Language were corrupted, and then used to forge the Pagan religious systems of the ancient world. Paganism began as a result of misinterpreting the divine messages left in the heavens and on the Earth. Our ancestors were as guilty of this as many well schooled, but spiritually dead people are today - those lost souls whose false knowledge and authority can easily mislead those who are not trained to think on their own. This is why having real faith in Yahweh means losing faith in the secular wisdom of the world, and in the physical pleasures it pretends to offer. Instead, people of faith must unmask Satan’s lies by asking their heavenly Father Yahweh for answers, and by taking action when the Spirit prompts them to. Only in this way can anyone find the spiritual wisdom, and meet the spiritual challenges each of us must face daily.
The Bible firmly declares that: “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). This means that, in our fallen condition, none of our works can ever be perfect, and there has never been an infallible human being except Christ, who was God made flesh. Everyone else is, at best, a weak imitation of Christ, and cannot fully imitate the perfect works that God alone is capable of. Once we firmly grasp onto this truth, it is far less easy for us to be deceived by any one person’s teachings. We all need to learn to ask hard questions, and seek real answers. This requires a love for God that fosters courage, strength, and an unwavering desire to know spiritual things. It also requires true humility, and a certain nobility of character that the writer of Acts spoke of:
“Now the Bereans were of more noble character… for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” - Acts 17:11 (NIV)
The main difference between born again believers and demon-possessed or wicked people are the spirits from which they operate. Motivated by hatred, jealousy, or contempt - and invariably seeking to achieve selfish ends - sinful people seek counsel and/or power from demons disguised as angels of light. The spirit that drives them is therefore Satan’s spirit. A person who is born again, on the other hand, is filled with the Holy Spirit’s love, and is humbly seeking to do God’s Will as it is revealed in the Bible, the Mazzaroth or Gospel in the Stars, and in nature:
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come… is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist…” - I John 4:1-3 (NKJ)
To see if we are guided by the Holy Spirit or not, we need to test ourselves by attempting to define Christ’s true mission and purpose on Earth. Our answer to thistest can show us where we are spiritually. We need to reject any spirit that gives us any answer other than that Yahshua (Jesus) truly was born, died, and rose from the dead to save us from sin. By the same token, we cannot blindly hold onto any human or earthly knowledge base for guidance! We need to personally connect with Yahweh and His Son Yahshua through prayer, reading the Bible, and studying the signs that God left for us in His Creation. We then need to meditate on, and apply what we learn, and ask Yah to open our hearts to understand the quiet voice of His Spirit within us.
The Holy Spirit (called the Ruach Ha Kodesh in Hebrew) needs to be present with us when we pray, for only when the Ruach, or Spirit is within us can it unerringly guide us, and transform our spirits, and minds for us. We can never find salvation, or transformation on our own. We need to receive the Holy Spirit through believing in Yahshua, and ask His Spirit for guidance. When we do this, the mechanisms that Yah left for us to discover real truth will become increasingly more apparent. Only then can we righteously apply what we’ve already seen spiritually, and then manifest it in the material world through our actions.
Though there were always some righteous people who knew the true God and His Gospel in the Stars, most people who rebelled against God in ancient times were familiar with the fantastical stories that false teachers attached to the signs of the Zodiac. This was done in a satanic effort to deny the Messiah that the stories surrounding the constellations proclaimed. Furthermore, these false teachers glorified themselves, and elevated their own ancestors to godhood by attributing the messianic messages in the stars to themselves. Therefore, since everyone is spiritually dead until they surrender their lives to Yahweh, our Pagan ancestors were easily deceived by demons posing as God. This is why the Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans saw the God of Israel as just one god among many - and as a weaker god than some others!
Since these ancient people replaced Yahweh with demonic and human “gods” who seemed more powerful, they lost their ability to develop intimacy with the one true God. To fill their spiritual void, these spiritually dead people began to converse with demons posing as gods, or the spirits of their ancestors, and to seek advice and protection from them. Sadly, these demons misled people into perverting the symbolism that declared the true nature of God on Earth, and in the Gospel in the Stars. In fact, they twisted the hidden truths in the Mazzaroth so badly that the symbols connected to them were totally misinterpreted.
Nevertheless, God always finds a way to lead those who love Him to see the holiness of the allegorical symbols found in nature - including such things as solstices and equinoxes. Yahweh found a way to do so through the biblical prophets, who spoke to mankind in parables just like Yahshua did. Parables are filled with metaphorical imagery that is similar to the symbolism found in the Gospel in the Stars. Therefore, when correctly deciphered, every parable in the prophetic literature of the Bible can tell us something wonderful about our God, and how He was worshipped before the Law of Moses - and when the messages in the Mazzaroth were the only Gospels written by the finger of God.
With the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can reclaim what originally belonged to Yah all along, perceive the allegorical Language of God in the stars, and understand how our righteous ancestors understood it before the Pagans perverted it. In this way, Christians and Messianics can “pull the rug out” from under the Pagans who revile them, and destroy the foundational premises for all Paganistic views of the world. In Book One, “The Language of God in the Universe,” this objective was realized to some extent. There, it is shown that, since Yahweh inspired the Bible, and created the allegorical truths revealed in His Creation, Yahweh is revealed through both. Nonetheless, Yahweh is also greater than either one. Though the Gospel in the Stars, and the Bible can never replace God, Yah reveals Himself to us through these great Witnesses so that we can begin to seek, and know Him.
Since both the Bible and the Gospel in the Stars are multilayered revelations with many hidden allegorical meanings, they cajole us to seek to know Yahweh in ways that are not readily apparent, but require deep thought and reflection. Yet, even if we only skim the surface of what the Bible and the stars teach, these witnesses of Yahweh’s greatness show us that we have no excuse for our ignorance of the eternal spiritual truths they reveal. What they disclose, both apparently and covertly, is that none of the symbols discussed in the Language of God Book Series can save anyone from sin. Rather, they all pointed ahead to the truth that only Yahshua the Messiah (i.e. Jesus the Christ) could set us free from sin and death!
Through deciphering the language of allegory, it will be shown that all of the symbols in the heavens, and in the Bible are windows into God’s Will, and Christ’s purpose. Using the allegorical Language of God, Book Two of the Language of God Book Series shows how the Old Testament Holy Days, and the movements of the Sun and the Moon are connected. It also shows how the biblically ordained Holy Days are astronomically determined feasts, and how these biblical feasts were also likely kept by patriarchs like Abraham - even before the Law of Moses was written. Since the movements of the Moon governed the calendar dates of Israelite Holy Days, they all have an undeniable astronomical connection. These astronomical connections are not arbitrary, but are ripe with spiritual truths that Enoch, Abraham, and the ancient Israelites most likely understood far better than we do today.
As taught in Book One, my stance in the Language of God Book Series is that the symbols that were (and still are) incorrectly used in Pagan festivals derived their allegorical meanings directly from God’s own design, not from deluded men. Yahweh God is the Creator of all things, and He is also the author of their allegorical associations - not mankind! This fact is important to know when the “Language of God” series books compare the Paganized holidays of Easter and Christmas with the sacred biblical feast days of Passover and Sukkot. However, though we will discuss these Holy Days to see their great allegorical spiritual significance, we need to remember that understanding these ritual observances does not impart salvation. Rather, it is our faith in Yahshua alone that saves us.
Our need for a Savior was shown before the Mosaic Law was written - when God revealed Himself to the patriarchs. This is why, in Chapter Two of Book One, we explore rituals that came before the Law - namely the ancient Covenant rites surrounding treaties, adoptions, and marriages. There, we will see how these three types of Covenants were evident from the beginning of human history, and how they were the divinely given basis for many Israelite rituals such as Passover, and the Feast of Tabernacles. Then, in Chapters Eight and Nine, we see why the ritual actions performed in Blood Covenant rituals were incorporated into the sacrificial rites surrounding the Mosaic Law.
Appropriate Use and Interpretation of Symbols in Religion
Through the preceding illustrations of idolatry so far discussed, we can see that once good symbols like the Trinity and the Zodiac are often grossly perverted. This is peculiar to almost all ancient and modern Pagan religions. The truths behind these symbols are eventually lost, and the lies surrounding them are believed and remembered instead. We therefore have to be careful not to misapply the Language of God and twist it out of proportion - thereby turning truth into fantasies. This is why - later in His dealings with mankind - Yahweh strictly prohibited any graven image to be made to depict Him. That is also why Yahweh was so angry at the Israelites for their fall into idolatry, and why they were punished - just as all mankind will be on the Day of the Lord.
However, confusion exists in the minds of some that makes all symbols potentially idolatrous. The Muslims have gone to great lengths to obliterate real-life imagery of any kind for fear it could be used idolatrously. As a result, they use only abstract designs in their art and architecture. There is, however, a vast difference between using symbols to teach others, and blatant idolatry. The Muslims therefore went much too far in their interpretation of God’s Will.
There is nothing wrong with symbols except in how they are interpreted. As the Language of God Book Series shows, metaphorical symbols are what Yahweh uses to teach us about Himself. He made these symbols inherent in all Creation to teach us as much about His greatness, as our own nature. He revealed the past, present and future to us in the prophetic symbolism of the Zodiac, and in the annual Jewish holiday High Sabbaths such as Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles. As I have shown previously, all these Jewish holidays have prophetic applications. That is why it is so important for Christians to study their symbolic meanings. In fact, those people who ignore the allegorical, spiritual, and prophetic messages behind these Biblically ordained Jewish holidays do so at their own spiritual peril.
The symbolic images of this Language are defined using principles in geometry, science, astronomy and mathematics - not sounds that can have altered meanings over time. Also, though the hieroglyphic writing on the Dendera Ceiling Zodiac is unreadable by those unfamiliar with the written language, (as shown in the following illustration on page 32 of the PDF article), every pictorial symbol on this circular stone star calendar can nonetheless be deciphered without knowing one word of ancient Egyptian! Again, when the Holy Spirit is our guide, the symbols almost speak for themselves!
More than anything else, the Language of God Book Series shows that - with divine guidance - symbols can be excellent teaching tools. The symbolism in Judeo-Christian rituals and in created things teaches us about ourselves and Yahweh God and His plans for us. That is why we were created with an ability to understand and apply this divine Language. But without the Spirit of God, our ability to correctly discern symbolic truth is nonexistent. Instead we see what we want to see, leading others and ourselves into error and sin. Even with the Holy Spirit within us, we are still at times susceptible to placing too much stock in the importance of symbols.
Examples of this are very common. Some Christians, for instance, assume that symbols of crosses or statues/pictures of saints can have divine protective powers. In the old vampire movies of the past, the only way to fend off a vampire’s attack was with a crucifix. This odd belief stems from actual religious beliefs found among uneducated and superstitious Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians around the world. In some cultures, crucifixes and statues of Mary, Jesus or recognized Saints are actually used as good luck charms said to offer protection from evil. Even Bibles are similarly ranked among items that ward off evil – whether or not the Bible is ever opened and actually read by those who cling to the book as a talisman.
Orthodox and Messianic Jews are also guilty of idolizing symbols with their insistence that Christians should doggedly follow regular Jewish Sabbath and High Sabbath holiday traditions. In doing so, they deny the teachings of the Apostle Paul, who taught that Christians only need to follow the Law that they are guided to keep by the Holy Spirit, not the Law of the Torah (See Galatians 2:16-21, 3:6-14; Romans 3:19-23, 3:27-28). These same Jews are often guilty of turning symbolic articles of their faith into idols. For example, when the Jewish “tallit” (i.e.: prayer shawl) or phylactery or menorah become paramount in their religious traditions - when theymust be used to broadcast their faith to others - then they have become idols to the Orthodox or Messianic Jews who use them. That is why it is never good to become too attached to symbols. If we find our faith caught up in using one or more symbols, we are in danger of idolatry.
At Easter among devout Polish Catholics in the past, some wouldn’t eat their beautifully decorated Easter eggs until the priest had blessed them - as if the eggs were some sort of holy offering or talisman! At Christmastime today, many Christians place great importance in displaying advent wreaths and nativity scenes. Catholics in some cultures burn candles before nativity scenes or statues of Jesus or the saints and attempt to worship God through them. Others wear crosses routinely as talismans or decorations rather than to quietly broadcast their faith or piety. Some people find it impossible to pray unless they use a rosary or prayer beads or look at a crucifix. Many know nothing about having real intimacy in their relationship with Yahweh. Instead they pray automatically by following a prescribed formula and think this blind recitation has some magical ability to win God’s favor. These practices are all idolatrous and abominations unto Yahweh. Yah hates anything that we have transformed into an idol, even if its original symbolic purpose was good.
If we think idolatry can’t affect us because we don’t believe in the power of idols, we need to think again. Idolatry is an ever-present threat in this dark world, and we need to be on guard and pray against it continually. This is as true today as it was thousands of years ago, when Ancient Israel was judged with destruction for the same sins. In the
We are no different. As governments become more corrupt, the people they govern follow suit and vise versa. But moral and spiritual change is also possible, and when people band together to enact these kind of positive changes, then their government must either follow suit or be faced with a revolution they must either try to suppress or succumb to. Perhaps this is why our righteous ancestors carved celestially aligned monuments out of stone into the landscape of their surroundings -to mimic the spiritual knowledge that they saw revealed in the stars. It seems that they were silently recalling the biblical sentiment that whatever believers put into subjection to Christ or do for Christ on Earth will be put under His dominion in Heaven and be done there as it is on Earth:
“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” - Matthew 18:18-19 (NKJ)
This passage suggests that believers do have the power to change their destiny through Christ, just as the apostles and disciples of the 1st Century Church did. Whenever we step out in faith through Christ’s Spirit, we can affect major change in our world and in our own lives. It also affirms that Yahshua can and does choose to listen to His righteous followers on Earth when they ask Him for anything that is within His holy Will to do. Therefore, in keeping with this knowledge, could it be possible that Enoch and his descendents built structures like the Great Pyramid and Great Sphinx to testify of their own ability to do the same? Could they have been using these structures to say: “As you do on Earth on behalf of God’s Kingdom on Earth, so it will be done in heaven to further God’s Kingdom in Heaven!”
If the heavens do reveal God’s Will as it is fulfilled through the righteous actions of believers, then each and every disciple of Christ needs to realize the authority that has been given to them through Christ’s Spirit within them - and then act in a manner befitting a royal representative of the King of kings! Step out in faith today and ask God to change your word and the greater world around you for His Glory. If you speak out in true faith after seeking repentance and regeneration though Christ, God will do as you ask. Then, as the world changes to accommodate God’s Will as it is revealed by His Spirit in you, the heavens surrounding the Earth will reflect the fulfillment of what is asked for, and Heaven and Earth will move together in harmony to bring about Yahshua’s return to finish the task. How I long for that day to come! Won’t you join me and Christ in making it happen?
To read my summery of the true Biblical meaning behind all 48 ancient constellations, which was written for inclusion in my book “The Language of God in History”, please use the following link:
A Summary of the Gospel in the Mazzaroth
Note from author Helena Lehman:
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1. The author Helena Lehman, and the Pillar of Enoch Ministry Website at must be acknowledged as the source when this essay is quoted from in research papers, newsletters, and other modes of communication, including digital transmissions.
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Luke 21:25 "There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves, 26men fainting from fear and the expectation of the things which are coming upon the world; for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.…
Tuesday, May 06, 2014
Sacred Astronomy by Helena Lehman
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